Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Red, Red, Red

Last Thursday, many fans rushed the University of Utah football field after winning against TCU. I did not rush the field (I have this thing about crowds), but my heart swelled up with pride, I HEART my Utes.
The Utes face two more teams and hopefully will go undefeated.. . .I mean, I hate BYU so much! I have some students who are the smuggest little BYU fans and I would love to rub Utah's win in their face (What? I teach Middle School and you think I'm a grown-up?). I told my students that if Utah wins the game, no homework over Thanksgiving Break and if BYU wins then they get extra homework. . you would not believe the fair-weather fans that BYU has at my school. . . . ha ha ha.

1 comment:

$teve said...

That's a great idea!!! GO UTES!!!

We actually had a discussion the other day where people were saying stuff like "Yeah, my team, Penn State lost." "Notre Dame sucks. I don't know why I like them anymore." Then they would ask the tall quiet guy in the corner, "How's your team doing?"